AMSN 5: Cultures of Modernity
University of Auckland, 12-14 December, 2022

Major events will include
- Talks by Kirby Brown (Cherokee Nation), Director of Native American Studies at the University of Oregon; by Peter Brunt, Associate Professor of Art History at Te Herenga Waka/Victoria University of Wellington; and by Matariki Williams (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Whakaue, Ngāti Hauiti, Taranaki), Pou Matua Mātauranga Māori/Senior Historian, Mātauranga Māori, Manatū Taonga/Ministry for Culture & Heritage
- A visit to the Auckland Art Gallery to discuss the art of Dame Robin White (Ngāti Awa)
- A special viewing for conference delegates showcasing Māori and Pacific holdings in the Auckland Museum
- Tours of modernist architectural sites in Auckland
- A closing round table highlighting Indigenous and feminist responses to the conference’s themes.
Conference committee: Erin G. Carlston, University of Auckland; Jacob Edmond, University of Otago; Maebh Long, University of Waikato